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A Counterfeit Christ Is Coming - Single Booklet
Marv and David Rosenthal collaborated on this booklet which outlines Satan's final attempt to enthro..
Pretrib: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology
Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology Does God work with Israel and the Ch..
Sinai to Zion
The biblical Prophets, the Apostles, and the early Church all placed the highest priority on pointin..
The Virgin Birth: Myth or Miracle? -- Booklet
Marv and David Rosenthal collaborated on this booklet. God created the first man from the dust of..
The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church
Jesus is coming again! That fact is certain and irrefutable. But what are the circumstances... wha..
Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord
Many of us have been told that we will be "raptured out of here before the Antichrist arrives." B..
The Feasts of the Lord
This revealing book will give you a fresh and in-depth understanding of the richness of Israel’s s..
When a Jew Rules the World: What the Bible Really Says About Israel in the Plan of God
There’s only one conclusion you can draw by taking the prophecies of the Bible literally, says New Y..