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The Father and the Son - 1 Pack/10 Cards
That God our Father gave us the earth to be our home was supremely generous. That He ordered the ski..
The Gift of God - 1 Pack/10 Cards
The most wonderful gift we can receive cannot be giftwrapped. This greatest gift of all is eternal l..
Lamb and Lion - 1 Pack/10 Cards
In the fullness of time Jesus Christ came to Earth as the Lamb of God to be the sacrifice for the si..
I Am the Light - 1 Pack/10 Cards
The apostle John reveals that Jesus “was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shin..
Emmanuel - 1 Pack/10 Cards
EMMANUEL This Christmas, touch the hearts of your loved ones with this elegant and contemporary..
Jesus Is ... - 1 Pack/10 Cards
Jesus Is ... At His birth, Jesus was the Light that pierced the darkness. It was His Love for u..
In Humility and Love - 1 Pack/10 Cards
From the manger to the cross, Jesus came to Planet Earth with a divine purpose. He brought eternal..
Let There Be Light - 1 Pack/10 Cards
Into a world of sin and spiritual darkness, God sent the Light! At His birth, Jesus Christ pierced..
The Lamb of God - 1 Pack/10 Cards
In the fulness of time, Jesus Christ was born as the Lamb of God. In ancient Israel, lambs were th..
Good Tidings of Great Joy - 1 Pack/10 Cards
When the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds on the night of Jesus’ birth, he delivered the ..
Royal Document of Birth - 1 Pack/10 Cards
The wondrous reality and momentous significance of the incarnation of God’s Son are stunningly captu..