Rose "Then and Now" Bible Atlas

Rose "Then and Now" Bible Atlas
Brand: Rose Publishing
Product Code: BK1124H
Availability: In Stock
Price: $29.95
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Rose "Then and Now" Bible Atlas is the only Bible atlas with a combination of:

  • 120 stunning detailed Bible maps
  • Clear plastic overlays of modern cities and countries so you know where Bible places are today.
  • Incredible insights into the lives of 30 important Bible characters. This Bible atlas focuses on people - not regions - and how the Middle East geography affected their lives and decisions.

This best-selling Bible atlas was authored by Dr. Paul H. Wright, president of Jerusalem University College (Institute of Holy Land Studies). Over the years Dr. Wright has led thousands of university students and adults on field studies throughout Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Egypt, the Sinai, and many to out-of-the-way places not normally seen by students of the Bible.