To purchase the “Rapture & Wrath” Bundle, which includes Sets 1, 2, and 3 at a discounted price, please CLICK HERE.
Our new Pocket Studies combine in-depth, short-segment, Bible-teaching video lessons with compact, easy-to-use study guides!
In Part 3, David Rosenthal explains the epic events that will take place in a brief, but crucial interval between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals around the scroll. Before God’s wrath and fury rains down upon a sinful and unrepentant humanity during the Day of the Lord, 144,000 Jews will be sealed for protection and a great multitude of faithful followers of Jesus Christ will be gloriously resurrected or raptured.
In Part 4A, David Rosenthal explains the events of Revelation chapter 8. When the seventh and final seal is opened on the scroll, heaven will be absolutely silent for the space of half an hour. It is the sobering realization in Heaven that God is about to go to war on the earth that will initiate the silence.
In Part 4B, we’ll continue our discussion of the events associated with Revelation chapters 8 and 9 in connection to God’s trumpet judgments. In the previous episode, David Rosenthal explained the significance of the Apostle John’s statement concerning silence in Heaven and compared his words with a prophecy delivered by the Old Testament writer, Zephaniah, in which he clearly linked a future time of silence to the start of God’s Day of the Lord wrath upon the earth.
In episode Part 4C, David Rosenthal wraps up his discussion of the trumpet judgments of Revelation 8 and 9. In the previous episode we looked at the significance of the trumpet in ancient Israel, and two of the major purposes for the blowing of a trumpet. First, the trumpet was used to call God’s people to His presence. And second, it was used to sound a battle alarm when Israel was going to war under God’s direction.
This Pocket Study includes a DVD containing four 10-15 minute Bible teaching video lessons, as well as Pocket Study Guides. These booklets contain the entire text of each video lesson in easy-to-read, large print. Most importantly, they include helpful information, Bible references, and engaging study questions related to each lesson, so you can go deeper and gain a greater understanding of the Scriptures!
By design, these Pocket Studies are great for busy people on the go and perfect for home study groups and Sunday School classes.
To order extra Pocket Study Guides, click here.