The wondrous reality and momentous significance of the incarnation of God’s Son are stunningly captured in the Royal Document of Birth.
In every sense, His credentials were indisputably royal. Yet, as the Royal Document proclaims, Jesus entered the world under circumstances few would expect. His earthly parents were poor and humble commoners – and He was born in an obscure town in a lowly shepherd’s stable.
The Royal Document of Birth reminds us of the beautiful truth that it was Jesus’ love for us which brought Him to earth in absolute humility – and it was His love which carried Him to the cross to be our Saviour from sin and offer us life everlasting!
Card Features:
A beautiful card printed on high-quality paper stock, 4-color printing on both sides with spot varnish to enhance the luster of the rich color background. “Jesus” is embossed and gold-foil stamped as is the border across the bottom of the top panel. The lion seal is also embossed on the front cover and the card interior. There is plenty of room to write messages to loved ones and friends on the panel below the certificate and on the back! Actual card size is 7” x 5” (folded).
Pack includes 10 cards and envelopes plus bonus* subscription cards.
Interior panel Scripture verse and greeting:
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11” (KJV)
Greeting: “At Christmas may you rejoice in the reality of our Saviour’s birth.”
*Special Bonus Option
Enclosed in each packet of cards is an equal number of gift cards to be given to your family and friends for a free one-year subscription to the magazine Zion’s Fire. At your discretion, you may choose to include them in your Christmas cards as a special gesture. This offer is free to you, and the recipients of your cards will each receive six free issues. This offer is intended for those who have not previously received Zion’s Fire.