The Quest to Identify Mystery Babylon: Revelation 17-18 - DVD

The Quest to Identify Mystery Babylon: Revelation 17-18 - DVD
Brand: Zion's Hope
Product Code: DV3003
Availability: In Stock
Price: $12.00
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The Quest to Identify Mystery Babylon explores the possible connection of Saudi Arabia and Islam with the entity known in the Book of Revelation as MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

This "woman" is described in the pages of Scripture as an alluring and wicked prostitute who rides a vicious beast having seven heads and ten horns. When the cup of mankind's iniquity is full, God will unleash His fury upon the nations, but He has reserved a special punishment for this wicked harlot who is drunk with the blood of the martyrs. During this future time (which Zion's Hope believes is not too far off), God will pour out His wrath upon her with a fierce intensity never before seen on Earth.

With a focus on Revelation 17 - 18, and an eye on the shocking developments taking place in the Middle East, you will find the information contained in The Quest to Identify Mystery Babylon to be both intriguing and informative.