At the end of the age, Christians will be raptured (snatched away) into God’s presence just prior to His outpouring of divine wrath on an unrepentant world. Since the Rapture and His Wrath are inseparably linked in Scripture, the logical question that must be asked is this: “Does the Bible provide clear evidence for the starting point of God’s end-times wrath (the Day of the Lord) – and thereby also reveal the general time period (not the specific day or hour) of the Rapture of the Church?
The answer to this question is “Yes!” This Pocket Study details the convergence of 6 clear and compelling evidences from Scripture that God’s wrath will not begin at the start of Daniel’s 70th Week (a future period of 7 years commonly identified as the “Tribulation”) – nor in the middle of it – but, rather, sometime within the second half of it. Once these truths are understood, it becomes clear the Church will enter the 70th Week of Daniel, but will be raptured before the outpouring of God’s wrath. In essence, these 6 evidences are Six Proofs of a Pre-Wrath Rapture.
This Pocket Study includes one DVD containing one Bible teaching video lesson (62 minutes) along with a companion Study Guide. The guide contains lesson text along with helpful information, Bible references, and engaging study questions.
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